Drop-off & Pick-up Procedures
Morning Drop Off
Students can be dropped off beginning at 7:35. They will not enter the building until 7:50. There is only one entrance into the Cole parking lot. The entrance is next to the stone “Archie R. Cole'' sign. Do not try to enter through the exits. They are clearly marked, DO NOT ENTER. While we strongly encourage all eligible bus riders to take the bus (which greatly alleviates cars and traffic), we do understand that some students do need to be dropped off. Once you pull into the lot our SRO, Officer Anderson, will be the first person you see and he will direct you to a lane. Please pull as far forward as possible to drop off your child. The goal is to fit as many cars as possible, at the same time. Once your child gets out of the vehicle please be patient and wait for the cars in front of you to proceed. DO NOT PASS CARS ON THE LEFT. Many students exit their vehicles on the left side and this would put their safety at risk. We have designated entrances into the school for each grade and they will be marked by signage.
Afternoon Pick-up
Afternoon pickup is a bit different than morning dropoff. The school day ends at 2:25. The students who take buses will be released first. We clear the lot of all buses before we let the walkers and riders disperse. Those people who are picking up students are to stage their vehicles in the Christ Church parking lot (corner of Cedar and Post). Once the buses leave and someone gives you the ok, cars can proceed out of the church lot and into Cole’s lot. Please do not have your child walk to your car at Christ Church. This holds up the line and is not safe. There are two lanes for pickup: 6th Grade Lane and 7&8th Grade Lane. Signs will indicate which lane is which. We ask you to use the 6th grade lane if you are picking up students in multiple grades, and please remind your children of this. Returning students/parents know these procedures so it is helpful to let them take the lead, at first. DO NOT PARK ON WANTON SHIPPEE ROAD AND WAIT FOR YOUR CHILD - there is not a crossing guard or school personnel available to cross students and it is very difficult to see students in the streets with so many cars on both sides of the road. East Greenwich Police will take notice.